We are a community of dedicated financial professionals committed to the belief that everyone should have the freedom to pursue their own goals. We focus on providing the resources and relationships to support the needs and objectives of the clients we serve. It begins and ends with our Committed Benevolent Interest in others. Creating true wealth that goes beyond the numbers.

Mission Statement
The most important person in our organization is you.

Our Motto
The more you do for others, the more you do for you.

Vision Statement
Cultivate a community based on CBI for all, family members, clients, associates, independent financial professionals, tax professionals, and financial institutions, to enjoy unmatched culture amplified by timely support, effective resources, and powerful technology to achieve the highest level of success you can imagine.


I’ve walked many different paths in life, from marriage to divorce and remarriage. I’ve embraced the challenges of being a single mother and navigated the dynamics of a blended family. I’ve also cared for ailing grandparents and personally witnessed their transition from a life of good health. These experiences deepen my understanding of clients and allow me to relate to others’ personal journeys. I’ve been a first-hand witness to the missed opportunities when proper business planning, life insurance, and tax strategies weren’t in place – I strive to help others access the financial guidance they deserve! No matter what your circumstance is, you can be assured that I have the knowledge and compassion to understand your needs and help you achieve your goals.


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